Anchored By Faith
Just two friends studying scripture together for the purpose of looking at it to help conform ourselves and others towards the Image of Christ. We not only want to look at the verses by itself, but look towards its context in the bigger picture of Scripture and how scripture helps to anchor us in Christ. Do not worry we might get into things from theology, how our days are going, or things that are going on in our lives. We don‘t claim to be biblical scholars, we just want to study scripture and have a devotional podcast for people to help get in the word.
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Introduction to the podcast
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
Thursday Oct 28, 2021
An introduction to the podcast hosts and what the podcast aims to do. Logan definitely needs to work on his microphone skills, but we are excited that its our first episode. We also are going to list the topics we will do in upcoming shows. Thanks again for listening, stay tuned, and leave us a review
The license code from Uppbeat for the intro and outro song is: 5VXFVIINAD2OMKFG